SLC – Yukon


Are you a Registered Liberal over 60 years of age in  Yukon? Congratulations, you are automatically a valued member of the Senior Liberals’ Commission and its Yukon  Section.

We extend a warm welcome and encourage you to take an active role in shaping the future. In today’s politically charged climate, it’s crucial for older Canadians to make their voices heard.

There are many ways to get involved. Our Liberal constitution guarantees that every Electoral District Association (EDA) includes a Senior Representative as a voting member. Our aim is to have a Senior Rep on every riding Executive in Yukon. If yours doesn’t have one yet, we urge you to speak with the EDA President about it. Our Senior Reps play a pivotal role in establishing a two-way communication network with Canada’s Senior Liberals, making their involvement indispensable.

Senior Liberals are also instrumental in shaping Policy. At biennial Liberal Party conventions, we  prioritize resolutions to be considered for the Party Platform. Our Commission passionately advocates for issues that are important to older Canadians nationwide, and we have been very successful in getting our top resolutions prioritized. Our Senior Reps play a crucial role in this process by conveying the issues and concerns of older Canadians in their ridings.

It’s important to note that your membership in the Liberal Party of Canada must be renewed every three years. If you are at all unsure about your registration status, it’s easy to fix, at no cost. Just sign up again at .

If you’ve previously unsubscribed from LPC emails and missed our Commission communications and invitations to informative virtual events, you can easily re-subscribe by contacting to get your address back on the list.

Older Canadians have a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer in numerous areas. We value your thoughts, ideas, comments and questions. Please feel free to reach out to the Yukon SLC Section. Your voice is not only needed but also greatly appreciated.

 Celeste Bendall, Chair Yukon