SLC Branding and Logos

From time to time the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) makes visual changes to the way it presents itself to its organizations and the general public. When changes occur, LPC updates its logos and graphics, and its’ Visual Identity Guidelines, available from the Party website (links at the end).

This bulletin provides an overview of the current logos, letterhead images and type fonts to be used by the Senior Liberals’ Commission, its Sections and Clubs.

What is branding – why is it important?

From LPC’s Visual Identity Guidelines:
When you think about the Liberal brand, you really want to think about all the ways that Canadians interact with the party – everything from party colours, logos and websites to the way we interact on the phone, on the doorstep and on social media.
In short, the brand is how Canadians see us as the Liberal Party of Canada, including our electoral district associations, provincial and territorial associations, candidates, members of parliament, and the national office.
Maintaining a strong and consistent visual identity helps to solidify the brand and make each entity visually recognizable. It also ensures that your efforts don’t negatively affect the national brand, or that of the leader.

Type Fonts

PRIMARY – The primary type font used by the LPC is Lato. It should be used for most applications including letters, brochures, business cards, document body copy, etc. The Lato font is an open source (free, not copyrighted) sans-serif (no hooks and tails on letters) font. The Lato font package includes:
Lato font examples


The Lato font package (True Type format) may be downloaded from here to your computer and installed (right-click on the files after un-zipping the package) so they will be available in your Office suite applications for use in all Commission-related documents you compose.

SECONDARY – The secondary (or alternate) type font currently used by the Liberal Party of Canada is Oswald, also an open-source, sans-serif True Type font, except this one is condensed and there are no variations – just one font. Oswald should be used only in headlines or sub-headings and used in UPPERCASE.
Oswald font examples


The Oswald font may be downloaded from here to your computer and installed in the same way as noted for the Lato font (above).

SLC (national) Letterhead Images

SLC letterhead examples







The letterhead images for the SLC (national) utilize the single ‘L’ logo in white on a red square background in the .PNG format They are presented in bilingual, English only and French only versions. The colour red utilized is HTML #d71920. The font used in them is Lato Black.

After clicking one of the image links above, the image may be saved to your computer by right-clicking on it and clicking Save Image As. It can then be inserted (from wherever it was saved to) into a document and re-sized to fit as needed, by clicking and dragging a corner.

Letterhead Images for SLC Sections

Are available here:

Logos for document page headers

LPC Square Leaf Logo LPC Leaf Logo