Why I Am a Liberal

January 12, 2023

This is the first in a series from coast to coast to coast where members of the Senior Liberals’ Commission explain why they are Liberal. To start the series, here is my story …

Ironically, I have Conservative Prime Minister John Diefenbaker to thank for my being a Liberal. I was only three years old when my father lost his job as a draftsman at Avro Arrow, maker of the Canadian aircraft that many considered to be the best fighter aircraft ever built that never saw the light of day.

Diefenbaker’s decision to scrap production of the aircraft was a crushing blow to my father, a new Canadian who came to Canada from Scotland to make a better life for himself and to raise a family. It took him years to get back on his feet and he vowed never to vote Conservative.

Hearing this story growing up made me realize how one bad decision by a government can have long lasting effects on thousands of people. It also made me understand how important it is for governments to support those less fortunate who are struggling every day to make a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

The Liberal Party of Canada continues to be committed to helping all Canadians, and for that reason I am proud to be a Liberal.

SLC Communications Chair Kate Young